I am proud to have been invited to join the BBC Antiques Roadshow as a specialist in 2015.
Click on link above for more information about the Antiques Roadshow.
I have a series of talks prepared.
Please contact me to see if I am available as a speaker at your event.
At the recent opening of the second floor of the oldest record shop in Liverpool.
Granada Reports were there to witness the event. Watch Here
Key To A Fortune Channel 4 18th April 2024 Watch Here
BBC Expert Witness Watch Here
For over a decade I fought hard to save Liverpool's World Heritage Site.
Click the link below to see A Programme on German TV about World Heritage

Waynes earliest find, at the age of six, was a huge Wedgewood black basalt vase that he found amongst the rubble whilst playing with friends in the bombed out houses left over from the war in his home town of Liverpool.
Taking it home he proudly displayed it on the window sill as decoration. This fuelled his lifetime passion for art and antiques.
After leaving school Wayne went on to become a specialist in the restoration of historic and listed buildings.
Wayne has run an Art Gallery for over two decades and is an Independent Consultant whose many clients include national museums.
Though Wayne specialises in Art Deco, Art Nouveau and the Applied Arts he loves many other periods and has a general knowledge with over 30 years experience.
He has built up several collections of sculptures and bronzes selling his first to fund a Grand Tour around Europe studying architecture.
In his spare time he plays Jazz clarinet and spends part of his weekends as a potter and sculptor and still tries to take a life drawing class once a week.
Wayne says one of the things that I would dearly love to find on The Antiques Roadshow would be a Bronze Panther by the sculptor Rembrant Bugatti. Or maybe a piece of furniture by his father Carlo. Or one of his bother Ettore's remarkable creations.
I was invited to join The Antiques Roadshow Team as a specialist in 2015.
Filming with The Antiques Roadshow in Lutyens Crypt Liverpool.
Anita Manning from Antiques Roadtrip called in to do some filming in the shop.
This episode went out 21st September 2015.
I decided to open the shop on Saturday, as there was a massive commemoration to honour the part Liverpool played in the Battle of the Atlantic.
So I get in and put my lights on and a board out in Water Street and my mobile rings.
“Oh hi it’s the BBC we will be with you just after eleven”
“What for” I asked as I didn’t have a clue
“Antique Road Trip”
Filming Celebrity Antique Roadtrip
Antique Road Trip-The BBC's David Harper Drops In.
The format is pretty well recorded David buys a few bits from me that he then attempts to sell on at a local auction, which unfortunately may be Cato Crane's, and hopefully make a profit.
He is a dealer so of course he will be as hard a negotiator as the rest of us are.
Eric Knowles Calls In To Film
"Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is".
As part of filming for the BBC2 programme
The programme goes out on Wednesday 18th April at 5.15 pm.
Here we are stopping for a chat during the brief period of the recent filming at my shop.
We were joking about the mileage we have to cover in this job, just to get the goods, then again to sell them.
I pulled his leg a bit about the velvet cushioned world of BBC's Antique Roadshow against the cut and thrust of reality. He has a sense of humour and it was all good fun. Hope I have not "Put my foot where my mouth is" It's a bit of fun and its right to take it in that spirit.
Eric is now my good friend and colleague of mine at BBC's Antiques Roadshow.

Private Eye
14th December 2012
I was pleased to be associated with The Walker Art Gallery for their exhibition. THE AGE OF JAZZ Click the link for more.

I was recently asked to take part in an ITV programme called Auction Party hosted by Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen. This should go out in June.
It was all good fun and its nice to help raise money for charity, especially St Johns Hospice.
The filming was done at the sumptuous Liverpool Town Hall chandeliers and all.
Picture Courtesy of Liverpool Daily Post and Echo.
I wasn't too sure at first, but I toddled on the whole 100 yds stretch from my shop to the beautiful Liverpool Town Hall. It was great fun the programme is all about raising money for charity and I had struck up a relationship with St Johns Hospice afterwards and sell some of their donated objects for them.
It was not very good TV when it went out 25th July.
Beyond Westminster - The Perils of Planning
John Kampfner examines what the coalition's new proposals for planning decisions mean for 'localism'.
Saturday 30th April 2011
This week's Beyond Westminster looks at one of the most controversial elements of local politics: planning. Planning decisions for new developments are usually fraught and most people agree there needs to be change.
In the latest budget, the Chancellor, George Osborne announced he wants to see a 'presumption in favour of a yes to sustainable development in future planning decisions'. At the same time, the government has introduced a localism bill which will empower local communities to have more say in planning decisions. Can the two approaches work together?
John Kampfner visit the Copmanthorpe Wind Action Group, battling against wind turbines and Paul Vickers reports from Merseyside where a controversial new development, the Mann Island project has polarised opinion.
Producer: Paul Vickers.
I was asked for an opinion as a Heritage campaigner and resident of Liverpool
Win an historic Blue Funnel sauce boat with The Liverpool Echo Shipping Lines
.Worth about £100 it is first prize in a competition to launch Danny beer (not to be confused with TV presenter Danni Behr), a real ale brewed especially by Frodsham Brewery.
Sales of Danny beer will aid the restoration of SS Daniel Adamson, Britain’s last steam tug tender, by DAPS, the Daniel Adamson Preservation Society, at Sandon Dock, Liverpool.
The gleaming sauce boat is a fabulous memento of one of Merseyside’s world-famous shipping lines. It’s been part of the dining room silver service aboard Blue Funnel’s express cargo liners voyaging around the globe.
Made by renowned Sheffield firm Walker & Co, it was donated by Wayne Colquhoun, of antiques shop Circa 1900, in the breathtaking Holt’s Arcade, India Buildings
I took part in a feature for the ONE SHOW on BBC 1 the feature was about the threat to Liverpools World Heritage Site from unsuitable developments that threaten its integrity. It is 2 min 25 seconds into the programme.
I am very proud of the work I do in helping to Preserve Liverpools
World Heritage Site
This is an Independent article written by Andrew Rosthorn that was published 11.11.11
This is a picture taken from the set of Lilies, the acclaimed BBC production.
I was asked to do some room sets by the BBC and this is the Artemis House in the series. I originaly had a brilliant mirror for the fireplace but it picked up a reflect.
This was a house in Falkner Square in Liverpool 8.